Submit Press Release

Submit Press Releases to Music Malt
Music Malt is now accepting new press releases for a token amount of Rs 300 for each release. Do make sure, your press release is newsworthy and error-free. Our editors will reject press releases with grammatical errors or spelling mistakes. There will be no refund for rejected press releases. Please fill up the form below to submit your press release. Please note, it may take up to 2 days for our editors to check all the details and publish your press release.

Note: No press releases will be accepted without the token amount. You can use your credit or debit card to make the payment through the payment button below. If you want us to write an article about your new company, event, product, service, music or video release, please send a mail to

Please pay an amount of Rs 300 by clicking on the button below

Send us your press release photos and videos

Please mail us hi-res photos related to your press release at